1st stage of the Latvian Cup
The 1st stage of the Latvian Cup in Aquathlon will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Jelgava, Raina iela 1
Swimming - in the LLU swimming pool, Raina iela 1, Jelgava, (25m*5 lanes + one lane for warming up) https://www.llu.lv/lv/peldbaseins
Running – at Jelgava State Gymnasium Stadium, Mātera iela 44, Jelgava (300m lap)
Start of the competition: at 9:30 a.m.
The competition is organized by the Sports Club "TRIRUNPRO" (Mārtiņš Marnauza tel.+37128661264 martins.marnauza@gmail.com), in cooperation with the municipality of Jelgava and the Latvian Triathlon Federation.
The chief judge of the competition is Ineta Aulika +371 29297797
Arrival of participants, registration - swimming
from 8:30
Arrival for the swim leg at the LLU swimming pool
Address - Raina street 1, Jelgava.
9:30 - 12:00
Warm-up - one lane will be free and warm-up will be available for the entire duration of swimming, starting at 9:00 a.m.
Start for swimming 400m at 9:30
Start for swimming 200m at 10:50
Start for swimming 50m at 11:35
Arrival of participants, registration - running
from 13:00
Arrival at the Jelgava State Gymnasium stadium for running
Address - Mātera iela 44, Jelgava
13:30 - 16:00
Awards ceremony
Start of the 500m race at 13:30
Start of the 1000m race at 14:00
Start of the 3000m race at 14:30
20 minutes after the last run of each distance

The entire application period, until 22.03.2022 at 23.59
F40,M40, F50,M50, FO, MO, F, M = EUR 15
F,M09- F,M19, F60,M60, F70,M70 = EUR 10
After registration, make payment within 2 days to the following account:
association "TriRunPro", registration no. 40008309049
In the payment details, you MUST specify: Name, Surname, year of birth, "Jelgava Aquatlon"
Other information and awards
Please apply for the competition in time so that you can plan the course of the competition in a high-quality way. The start protocols for swimming and running will be published on 23.03.2022. in the afternoon. IT WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE TO APPLY ON THE DAY OF THE COMPETITION
1st - 3rd place winners in all age groups will be awarded with prizes prepared by the organizers

Application has ended
Please follow information in social media and on website for start lists
Start lists and live results can be found here
Other information and terms
When approving the child's or student's participation in the competition, parents or representatives refrain from raising any claims against the organizer or other persons involved in the organization of the event after a possible accident or material loss and do not fight for the recovery of losses through court proceedings;
The participant and the visitor of the competition are informed that during the event filming and photography may also be carried out by the organizers, the organizer of the event, event judges and other authorized persons, as well as the publication of competition results. By applying to the event as a participant or by attending the event in person, the visitor agrees that he may be photographed and filmed, that his image may be used in films, photographs, audio-visual recordings, that his competition results may be published at the competition location and by the event organizer or other authorized third party communication tools of the parties.
All rights to such material and its use belong to the organizers or the duly authorized third party, such material, the event organizer or the duly authorized third party may be used at its discretion worldwide in any media for advertising or other purposes and for commercial purposes without any compensation or compensations for the aforementioned to the visitor.
Swimming - according to ITU and FINA swimming rules.
According to the regulations of the 2023 season of the LTF Cup, the athlete(s) born in 2008 can participate in the distance of the F, M15 or F, M 17 group as they choose.
Before the start, each participant of the competition (or his representative) confirms with his signature at the reception desk that he takes full responsibility for the suitability of his health for the chosen distance. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible person who signs the participant application form.
The competition organizers are not responsible for the participant's possible injuries during the competition.
The rating points of the LATVIA TRIATHLON FEDERATION CUP for the relevant stage are calculated as follows:
In the individual assessment:
ONLY LTF-licensed athletes are judged;
The results of participants in all age groups are evaluated.
In the season evaluation, points are awarded according to the regulations of the Latvian Cup triathlon.
The evaluation principles of the season's teams take place in accordance with the Latvian Cup triathlon regulations.
The organizers have the right to make changes and additions to the regulations.
The organizers are not responsible for ignorance of the regulations.
Claims are accepted upon payment of EUR 40. In case of a justified claim, the money is returned.
By applying for the competition, the participant agrees to the processing of his/her personal data based on Article 7.1 of the Personal Data Protection Law.
Both the organizer of the competition and the athlete ("Athlete - a physical person who engages in sports and participates in sports competitions") are bound by the Sports Law, which in Article 18, Clause 2, defines the duties of the athlete: "The athlete's duty when participating in sports competitions is to comply with and the rules of sports federations recognized in Latvia, the principles of sports ethics and fair play, the rules of anti-doping conventions, as well as regulatory acts". On the other hand, both the principles of sports ethics and fair play, as well as article 15.1 of the SL, state that any manipulation of the result is prohibited and sports results must be published without distortion, which is also in the public interest. Taking into account the Sports Law, the organizing team (Sports Club "TRIRUNPRO", Latvian Triathlon Federation) has a legal basis and legitimate interests in the processing of this data.
The processing of personal data is carried out in order to correctly represent the result provided by the athlete, in relation to the results of other participants. In order to determine the athlete's affiliation to the distance and group, in accordance with the regulations of the competition, in addition to the name and surname of the Data subject, gender and date of birth are also required. In order to protect the Data Subject's personal data, the data is minimized upon request as far as possible.
Contacts and how to get here
Competition management
Mārtiņš Marnauza
The main judge of the competition
Ineta Aulika
+371 29297797
LLU swimming pool, Raiņa iela 1, Jelgava
Jelgavas Valsts ģimnāzijas stadium, Mātera iela 44
Stay tuned on social media for more information